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Precision Investment Lost Proses Casting Lilin
  • Precision Investment Lost Proses Casting LilinPrecision Investment Lost Proses Casting Lilin
  • Precision Investment Lost Proses Casting LilinPrecision Investment Lost Proses Casting Lilin
  • Precision Investment Lost Proses Casting LilinPrecision Investment Lost Proses Casting Lilin
  • Precision Investment Lost Proses Casting LilinPrecision Investment Lost Proses Casting Lilin
  • Precision Investment Lost Proses Casting LilinPrecision Investment Lost Proses Casting Lilin

Precision Investment Lost Proses Casting Lilin

You can rest assured to buy Precision Investment Lost Wax Casting Process from our factory. The lost wax casting process of precision investment mold is an efficient and environmentally friendly casting process. It uses one-time casting molding and does not require secondary processing, so processing time and economic costs can be greatly reduced. Compared with the traditional casting process, it can also significantly improve the accuracy and quality of the product, while reducing the porosity, cracks and other defects of the casting.

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Kaluwihan saka investasi tliti ilang proses casting lilin ora mung efficiency lan lingkungan pangayoman, nanging uga keluwesan. Bisa digunakake kanggo nggawe macem-macem casting beda, kalebu otomotif, mesin, aviation lan akeh lapangan liyane. Ing wektu sing padha, akurasi lan kualitas casting bisa gampang diatur kanggo nyukupi kabutuhan beda kanthi nyetel kahanan proses. Kajaba iku, proses kasebut nduweni reproduktifitas sing apik lan bisa gampang digayuh ing produksi massal.

Yen sampeyan are looking for proses casting efisien, lingkungan loropaken lan fleksibel, banjur tliti ilang proses casting lilin temtunipun pilihan nengen kanggo sampeyan.

Proses casting cetakan lilin cetakan investasi presisi minangka proses maju sing nggabungake casting, forging lan perawatan panas. Nggunakake cetakan casting sing dirancang khusus, cairan lilin disuntikake menyang cetakan lan bagean sing wis rampung bisa dipikolehi sawise manggang suhu dhuwur.

Compared with the traditional process, the precision investment mold wax loss casting process has the following advantages:

1. Bagéan tliti dhuwur, kualitas lumahing apik, roughness bisa dadi kurang minangka 0,4 micron.

2. Bagean duwe Kapadhetan apik, ora porosity, bolongan wedhi lan cacat liyane.

3. Organisasi internal lan eksternal saka bagean kasebut seragam, tanpa perawatan panas.

4. Parts karo wangun Komplek sing ora bisa casting proses casting tradisional bisa cast.

5. Siklus produksi cendhak, efisiensi dhuwur, dibandhingake karo proses tradisional, siklus produksi bisa disingkat luwih saka 50%.

6. Simpen bahan, dibandhingake karo proses tradisional, bisa nyimpen 30-50% bahan.

7. Cocog kanggo produksi massal, tingkat otomatisasi dhuwur, intensitas tenaga kerja sing kurang.

Yen sampeyan pengin ngerti liyane babagan investasi tliti ilang proses casting lilin, hubungi kita!

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